Chapter 1. Overview

Table of Contents



The Regression Result Tool (RRT) is a Perl based tool that displays regression results via a web page. It takes as input a directory/list of test log files. It parses each for pass/fail information and any other information the user would like to have reported. It will generate an HTML report that contains links to each of the tests allowing for quick navigation (Figure 2.1: Regression Report Web Page). Finally, it automatically updates a master/home page where links to each of the reports resides (Figure 1.1: Main Report Web Page).

Main Report Web Page

Figure 1.1. Main Report Web Page


  • Specify a directory, a list of files, list of directories, etc for parsing

  • Parsing of test results and report displaying is controlled via a configuration file

  • Supports multiple configuration files

  • Generates HTML reports with highlighted pass/fail information

  • Generates a text only report

  • Web Links to individual test result log files

  • Tabulation of Pass/Fail data

  • Email notification support via sendmail, smtp, or qmail

  • Archiving of old results and maintaining of such on separate web page

  • Deletion of old results

  • Options to limit size of stored log files (runaway tests)


  • Perl 5.6.1 or Later

  • A Unix based OS. This includes Cygwin

  • Web browser

  • During setup, an individual with a basic knowledge of Perl regular expressions

  • Tar

  • Gzip

  • Sendmail, qmail, or smtp server (For the Email notification feature)

  • Each test log file needs to have a unique name (Only, if not using the recursive mode)

  • The log files that are to be parsed must have the following which can be uniquely identified with a Perl regular expression

    1. Test Name

    2. Pass/Fail Info